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Player protection code of the Swiss casinos

We protect our guests

Player protection is an important foundation that has positive impacts in the long term. Effective player protection
strengthens our image and secures long-term business success.

We don’t look the other way

It’s challenging to determine if and when you have excessive gaming behaviour or a gaming addiction. Nevertheless, nowadays there are many ways to identify at-risk players at an early stage, particularly online. Together with leading experts in gaming addiction research and technology (AI), we develop state-of-the-art methods for the early detection of at-risk individuals. It’s important to us to identify at-risk players and enter into a binding dialogue with them as early as possible, even when that risks losing them as customers.

A common code creates trust and protects against illegal offers

Effective and credible player protection requires transparency about our intentions and measures. All casinos in Switzerland have jointly adopted this code and declared it binding. It consists of the following specific measures.

With this code, we wish to set ourselves apart from illegal providers, in particular foreign online casinos that operate illegally in Switzerland, which do not offer player protection, violate the statutory provisions on player protection and do not pay OASI contributions. We must therefore consistently combat the illegal providers’ offers and advertising.