Updated Privacy Policy
We wanted to give you a heads up that as of today, 13 September 2023 we have updated our privacy policy due to the new data protection law. The responsible handling of your confidential personal data is very important to us and has the highest priority.
Here you will find the new terms with the changes in green. Please read them carefully. ⚠️🔍ℹ️
From now on, by continuing to use our Online-Casino after receiving this message, we will consider this as consent and you will automatically be accepted as agreeing to the updated terms. But don't worry, if you have any questions about these updates or do you disagree with the updated terms, please feel free to contact our customer support within 30 days. We'll be happy to help you out.
We appreciate your continued loyalty and we're excited to keep providing you with the best service possible!
To the Privacy Policy